
As part of our comprehensive package of garment accessories, KDS offers the services of our extravagant printing facility. To meet the growing demand and high standards of its clients, KDSAL’s printing division has invested in state-of-the-art equipment, including a world-famous 5 color Heidelberg Machine from Germany. We have one of the most advanced setups in Bangladesh, and we’ve worked with major retailers like Tesco, GARAN, US POLO, WALMART, George, etc. to print tags, artwork, printed packaging, and barcoded tickets, as well as other types of offset printing, silk screening, web, and thermal items.

Heighten your brand with our Printing Proficiency

Complete Pre-Press

Graphic Design dept. with latest Mac
OS & Windows OS

Color Quality management by
spectrophotometer and i-Color

In-house print quality testing

100% QC system for all
productions & raw materials

Secured Data Transfer System for
Graphic Designs/variable data

Using FSC Certified
Paper Source